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what is troubleshooting in computer

what is troubleshooting in computer

Troubleshooting in computer is the process of identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems with computer hardware, software, and networks. Troubleshooting can involve a range of tasks, including:

  • Identifying the problem: The first step in troubleshooting is to determine what the problem is. This can involve looking for error messages, examining log files, or observing system behavior to identify any symptoms.
  • Gathering information: Once the problem has been identified, it's important to gather as much information about the system and its environment as possible. This can include details about the hardware and software configurations, the network setup, and any recent changes that may have been made.
  • Analyzing the data: After gathering the necessary information, the next step is to analyze the data to identify any potential causes of the problem. This can involve reviewing log files, using diagnostic tools, or running tests to confirm the root cause of the issue.
  • Developing a solution: Once the root cause of the problem has been determined, the next step is to develop a solution. This can involve updating software or drivers, installing patches or updates, or making configuration changes to resolve the issue.
  • Implementing the solution: Once the solution has been developed, it's time to implement it. This can involve installing software, applying updates, or making configuration changes.
  • Testing and verifying: After the solution has been implemented, it's important to test the system to ensure that the problem has been resolved. This can involve running tests, observing system behavior, or confirming that error messages are no longer present.
  • Documenting the solution: Finally, it's important to document the solution, including any changes made and the steps taken to resolve the issue. This information can be valuable for future reference, as well as for others who may encounter similar problems.

Troubleshooting in computer can be complex and time-consuming, and the process can vary depending on the specific problem and the environment in which it occurs. However, by following a systematic and logical approach, it's possible to effectively diagnose and resolve many computer problems.

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ওয়েব ডিজাইন কোর্স

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ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং কোর্স

ফেসবুক, ইউটিউব, ইনস্টাগ্রাম, এসইও, গুগল এডস, ইমেইল মার্কেটিং

মেয়াদ: ৩ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

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অ্যাডভান্সড এক্সেল

ভি-লুকআপ, এইচ-লুকআপ, অ্যাডভান্সড ফাংশনসহ অনেক কিছু...

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কোর্স ফি: ৬,৫০০/-

ক্লাস টাইম

সকাল থেকে দুপুর

১ম ব্যাচ: সকাল ০৮:০০-০৯:৩০

২য় ব্যাচ: সকাল ০৯:৩০-১১:০০

৩য় ব্যাচ: সকাল ১১:০০-১২:৩০

৪র্থ ব্যাচ: দুপুর ১২:৩০-০২:০০

বিকাল থেকে রাত

৫ম ব্যাচ: বিকাল ০৪:০০-০৫:৩০

৬ষ্ঠ ব্যাচ: বিকাল ০৫:৩০-০৭:০০

৭ম ব্যাচ: সন্ধ্যা ০৭:০০-০৮:৩০

৮ম ব্যাচ: রাত ০৮:৩০-১০:০০


আলআমিন কম্পিউটার প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র

৭৯৬, পশ্চিম কাজীপাড়া বাসস্ট্যান্ড,

[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

কাজীপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা-১২১৬

মোবাইল: 01785 474 006

ইমেইল: alamincomputer1216@gmail.com

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