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How to Save as PDF in Photoshop

How to Save as PDF in Photoshop

As a professional graphic designer or photographer, Adobe Photoshop is one of the essential tools in your workflow. You may need to export your work as a PDF file for various reasons such as sending it to a client, printing, or sharing it on the web. Saving a PDF file in Photoshop can be a little confusing, especially if you are new to the software. This blog post will guide you on how to save your file as a PDF in Photoshop.

Why Save as PDF in Photoshop?

Saving your file as a PDF has several benefits, such as:

  • PDF files are compatible with most devices, including smartphones and tablets, making them ideal for sharing and distributing.
  • They preserve the quality of the images and graphics, making them perfect for printing and publishing.
  • PDF files are smaller in size compared to other file formats, such as TIFF and PSD.

Step-by-Step Guide to Saving as PDF in Photoshop

Saving your file as a PDF in Photoshop is relatively simple. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your file in Photoshop

Launch Photoshop and open the file you want to save as a PDF. Ensure that your file is properly edited and ready to be exported.

Step 2: Choose the PDF option

Once you have your file open in Photoshop, go to "File" and select "Save As." A dialog box will appear, and you will be prompted to choose a file format. Scroll down and select "Adobe PDF (*.PDF)" as your file format.

Step 3: Set your PDF preferences

After selecting the PDF option, a new dialog box will appear, allowing you to set your PDF preferences. You can choose from the following options:

  • Adobe PDF Preset: Choose a preset that matches your intended use for the PDF file. For example, you can choose "High Quality Print" for printing, "Smallest File Size" for web sharing, or "PDF/X-1a" for commercial printing.
  • Compatibility: Choose the PDF version you want to use. The latest version is recommended for the best compatibility.
  • Compression: Choose the compression settings for your images and graphics. You can choose from different compression options, such as JPEG and ZIP, depending on the type of content you have.
  • Output: Choose the color space and other output settings, such as bleeds and crop marks.

Step 4: Save your PDF file

After setting your PDF preferences, click on "Save" to save your file as a PDF. A new dialog box will appear, asking you to name your file and select the location where you want to save it. Once you have selected your preferences, click on "Save" to save your PDF file.

Tips for Saving as PDF in Photoshop

  • Check your file resolution before saving. For printing, use at least 300dpi, and for web sharing, use 72dpi.
  • Use the correct color space for your intended use. For example, use CMYK for printing and RGB for web sharing.
  • Optimize your images and graphics for the web to reduce the PDF file size.
  • Make sure all fonts are embedded in the PDF file to ensure that they are properly displayed on all devices.
  • Use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and view your PDF files.


Saving your file as a PDF in Photoshop is a quick and easy process, and it has several benefits, such as compatibility, quality preservation, and smaller file sizes. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can export your work as a PDF file with ease. Always ensure that you use the correct settings for your intended use and optimize your images and graphics to reduce file size.

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[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

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