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What is Context in Android?

What is Context in Android?

Android is a popular mobile operating system that is based on Linux. It was developed by Google and is used by millions of users worldwide. Android applications are built using the Java programming language and are designed to run on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

In Android, Context is an object that provides access to application resources and other system-level services. It is a crucial aspect of the Android architecture and is required for almost every operation in an Android application. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what Context is, why it is important, and how it is used in Android development.

What is Context?

Context is an abstract class that provides access to application resources and other system-level services in Android. It is a fundamental part of the Android architecture and is required for many operations in an Android application. Context provides access to system services, application-level resources such as strings, colors, and layouts, and allows the application to perform various operations such as starting activities, sending broadcasts, and accessing the file system.

In simpler terms, Context is an object that provides information about the current state of the application and the environment in which it is running. It is an essential part of the Android platform and is used extensively in Android development.

Types of Context

There are three types of Context in Android:

  1. Application Context
  2. Activity Context
  3. Service Context

Application Context

Application Context is a global Context that is associated with the application and is available throughout the application's lifecycle. It represents the application and provides access to application-level resources such as strings, colors, and layouts.

Application Context is created when the application is launched and is destroyed when the application is closed. It is commonly used to access resources and services that are not tied to a specific activity or service.

Activity Context

Activity Context is a Context that is associated with an Activity. It represents the current state of the Activity and provides access to resources and services that are specific to the Activity.

Activity Context is created when an Activity is launched and is destroyed when the Activity is closed. It is commonly used to start new Activities, access system services, and perform other operations that are specific to the Activity.

Service Context

Service Context is a Context that is associated with a Service. It represents the current state of the Service and provides access to resources and services that are specific to the Service.

Service Context is created when a Service is launched and is destroyed when the Service is stopped. It is commonly used to access system services and perform other operations that are specific to the Service.

Why is Context Important?

Context is an essential part of the Android platform and is required for many operations in an Android application. It provides access to system services, application-level resources, and allows the application to perform various operations such as starting activities, sending broadcasts, and accessing the file system.

Without Context, an Android application cannot access resources or services that are required for its proper functioning. It is, therefore, important for developers to understand Context and how it is used in Android development.

How is Context Used in Android Development?

Context is used extensively in Android development. It is required for almost every operation in an Android application, including:

  1. Accessing application-level resources such as strings, colors, and layouts.
  2. Starting new activities and services.
  3. Sending broadcasts and receiving broadcast intents.
  4. Accessing the file system and creating files and directories.
  5. Accessing system-level services such as the camera, GPS, and accelerometer.

Here are some examples of how Context is used in Android development:

Accessing Application-level Resources

To access application-level resources such as strings, colors, and layouts, developers can use the getResources() method of the Context class. For example, to get the value of a string resource, developers can use the following code:

String appName = context.getResources().getString(R.string.app_name);

This code retrieves the value of the string resource with the ID "app_name" in the application's resources.

Starting New Activities and Services

To start a new Activity or Service, developers can use the startActivity() or startService() method of the Context class, respectively. For example, to start a new Activity, developers can use the following code:

Intent intent = new Intent(context, MyActivity.class);


This code creates an Intent that specifies the target Activity (in this case, MyActivity) and starts it using the startActivity() method.

Sending and Receiving Broadcasts

To send a broadcast intent, developers can use the sendBroadcast() method of the Context class. For example, to send a broadcast intent with a custom action, developers can use the following code:

Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.myapp.CUSTOM_ACTION");


This code creates an Intent with a custom action and sends it using the sendBroadcast() method.

To receive a broadcast intent, developers can create a BroadcastReceiver and register it with the Context using the registerReceiver() method. For example, to receive a broadcast intent with a custom action, developers can use the following code:

BroadcastReceiver receiver = new MyBroadcastReceiver();

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter("com.example.myapp.CUSTOM_ACTION");

context.registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

This code creates a BroadcastReceiver (in this case, MyBroadcastReceiver) and registers it with the Context using the registerReceiver() method.

Accessing the File System

To access the file system, developers can use the openFileInput() and openFileOutput() methods of the Context class. For example, to create a new file and write some data to it, developers can use the following code:

String fileName = "my_file.txt";

String fileContents = "Hello, world!";

FileOutputStream outputStream = context.openFileOutput(fileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);



This code creates a new file with the name "my_file.txt" and writes the string "Hello, world!" to it using the openFileOutput() method.

To read data from a file, developers can use the openFileInput() method and read the data using a BufferedReader or other input stream. For example, to read the contents of the file created in the previous example, developers can use the following code:

FileInputStream inputStream = context.openFileInput(fileName);

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

String line = null;

while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {



String fileContents = stringBuilder.toString();


This code reads the contents of the file using a BufferedReader and returns them as a string.

Accessing System-level Services

To access system-level services such as the camera, GPS, and accelerometer, developers can use the getSystemService() method of the Context class. For example, to access the camera service, developers can use the following code:

CameraManager cameraManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);

This code retrieves the camera service using the getSystemService() method and casts it to the CameraManager class.


Context is an essential part of the Android platform and is required for almost every operation in an Android application. It provides access to system services, application-level resources, and allows the application to perform various operations such as starting activities, sending broadcasts, and accessing the file system.

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[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

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