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How to Update BIOS in Windows 11

How to Update BIOS in Windows 11

The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is an essential component of your computer's firmware that initializes hardware components and prepares your system for the operating system to boot. Updating the BIOS can bring various benefits, such as improved hardware compatibility, enhanced system stability, and access to new features. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of updating the BIOS in Windows 11, step by step.

Part 1: Preparing for the Update

1.1 Backup Important Data

Before proceeding with any BIOS update, it is crucial to back up your important data. Although updating the BIOS rarely results in data loss, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you have a backup of all your important files and documents.

1.2 Identify Your Current BIOS Version

To ensure a successful update, you need to identify the current version of your BIOS. Follow these steps to find the BIOS version on your Windows 11 system:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type "msinfo32" and hit Enter.
  3. In the System Information window, locate the "BIOS Version/Date" field. Take note of the version number.

Knowing your current BIOS version will help you determine if an update is necessary and identify the correct update file to download.

1.3 Check for BIOS Updates

Before proceeding with the update, check the manufacturer's website for any available BIOS updates specifically designed for Windows 11. Visit the support or downloads section of your computer manufacturer's website and search for the latest BIOS update for your specific model.

Part 2: Updating the BIOS

2.1 Downloading the BIOS Update

Once you have identified the appropriate BIOS update for your system, download it from the manufacturer's website. Make sure to download the correct version that matches your system's model and current BIOS version. It is essential to download the BIOS update from the official manufacturer's website to ensure its authenticity and avoid any potential security risks.

2.2 Preparing a Bootable USB Drive

To update the BIOS, you'll need to create a bootable USB drive. Follow these steps:

  1. Insert a blank USB drive into your computer.
  2. Format the USB drive to FAT32 file system format.
  3. Download a utility program recommended by your computer manufacturer to create a bootable USB drive.
  4. Follow the instructions provided by the utility program to create the bootable USB drive.

2.3 Updating the BIOS

Now that you have the bootable USB drive ready, you can proceed with updating the BIOS. Here's how to do it:

  1. Restart your computer and enter the BIOS setup by pressing the designated key during the boot process (usually displayed on the manufacturer's logo screen).
  2. In the BIOS setup, navigate to the "Boot" or "Advanced" tab using the arrow keys.
  3. Change the boot order to prioritize the USB drive as the first boot option.
  4. Save the changes and exit the BIOS setup. Your computer will now restart.
  5. Upon restart, the computer will boot from the USB drive.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions provided by the BIOS update utility. Typically, you will need to select the BIOS update file you downloaded earlier.
  7. Confirm that you want to update the BIOS and follow any additional instructions provided by the utility.
  8. Do not interrupt the update process, as it may result in irreversible damage to your system.
  9. Once the update process is complete, your computer will restart automatically.

2.4 Verifying the BIOS Update

After the computer restarts, it is essential to verify that the BIOS update was successful. Here's how you can check:

  1. Enter the BIOS setup by pressing the designated key during the boot process.
  2. Navigate to the "Main" or "System Information" tab using the arrow keys.
  3. Look for the updated BIOS version and date in the BIOS information.

If the updated BIOS version matches the one you downloaded, it indicates a successful update.

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