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Common functionalities in sheets in google sheets

Common functionalities in sheets in google sheets

Google Sheets is a powerful and versatile online spreadsheet application that allows you to create, edit, and share spreadsheets with others. Google Sheets has many common functionalities that can help you work with data more efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the major features and functions of Google Sheets that you should know:

Basic spreadsheet operations

Google Sheets allows you to perform basic spreadsheet operations such as entering data, formatting cells, sorting and filtering data, and applying formulas. You can also use keyboard shortcuts, menus, toolbars, and context menus to access various commands and options.

Entering data

You can enter data in Google Sheets by typing in a cell or by copying and pasting from another source. You can also use the fill handle to quickly fill a range of cells with the same value or a series of values. To use the fill handle, select the cell or cells that contain the data you want to fill, then drag the small blue square at the bottom-right corner of the selection to the desired direction.

Formatting cells

You can format cells in Google Sheets to change their appearance and make your data more readable. You can apply different fonts, colors, borders, alignments, and number formats to your cells. You can also use conditional formatting to highlight cells that meet certain criteria. To access the formatting options, select the cell or cells you want to format, then click the Format menu or use the toolbar buttons.

Sorting and filtering data

You can sort and filter data in Google Sheets to organize and analyze your data more easily. You can sort your data alphabetically, numerically, or by custom criteria. You can also filter your data to display only the rows that match certain conditions. To access the sorting and filtering options, select the cell or cells you want to sort or filter, then click the Data menu or use the toolbar buttons.

Applying formulas

You can apply formulas in Google Sheets to perform calculations and operations on your data. You can use built-in functions or create your own custom formulas using operators and cell references. You can also use relative and absolute references to control how your formulas adjust when copied to other cells. To enter a formula in Google Sheets, start with an equal sign (=) followed by the function name or expression.

Common functions

Google Sheets has a variety of functions available for different purposes and categories. Here are some of the most common functions you’ll use:


This function adds all of the values of the cells in the argument. For example, =SUM(B2:B6) adds up the values in cells B2 through B61.


These functions count the number of cells that contain numbers (COUNT) or any value (COUNTA) in the argument. For example, =COUNT(B2:B6) counts how many cells in B2 through B6 have numbers1.


These functions add up (SUMIF) or count (COUNTIF) the cells that meet a certain condition in the argument. For example, =SUMIF(B2:B6,“<10”) adds up the values in B2 through B6 that are less than 101.


This function determines the average of the values included in the argument. For example, =AVERAGE(B2:B6) calculates the average of the values in B2 through B61.


These functions return the minimum (MIN) or maximum (MAX) value in the argument. For example, =MIN(B2:B6) returns the smallest value in B2 through B61.


This function returns one value if a condition is true and another value if it is false. For example, =IF(B2>10,“High”,“Low”) returns “High” if B2 is greater than 10 and “Low” otherwise1.


These functions return TRUE if all (AND) or any (OR) of the conditions in the argument are true and FALSE otherwise. For example, =AND(B2>10,C2>10) returns TRUE if both B2 and C2 are greater than 101.


This function joins two or more text strings into one string. For example, =CONCATENATE(“Hello”," ",“World”) returns "Hello World"1.


This function removes extra spaces from a text string. For example, =TRIM(" Hello World ") returns "Hello World"1.


These functions return the current date (TODAY) or date and time (NOW) as a date value. For example, =TODAY() returns 8/28/20231.


This function converts a provided year, month, and day into a date value. For example, =DATE(2023,8,28) returns 8/28/20231.


This function looks up a value in the first column of a range and returns the value in the same row from another column. For example, =VLOOKUP(“Apple”,A2:B6,2,FALSE) returns the value in column B that corresponds to “Apple” in column A1.

How to use Google Sheets

To use Google Sheets, you need to have a Google account and access to the internet. You can create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one from your Google Drive. You can also import and export spreadsheets from other formats such as Excel, CSV, and PDF. You can share your spreadsheets with others and collaborate in real time. You can also use add-ons and scripts to extend the functionality of Google Sheets.

Creating and opening spreadsheets

To create a new spreadsheet, go to your Google Drive and click the New button, then select Google Sheets2. To open an existing spreadsheet, go to your Google Drive and double-click the spreadsheet file2. You can also use the File menu or the toolbar buttons to create or open spreadsheets.

Importing and exporting spreadsheets

To import a spreadsheet from another format, go to your Google Drive and click the New button, then select File upload. Choose the file you want to import and click Open. The file will be converted to a Google Sheets file and opened in a new tab3. To export a spreadsheet to another format, open the spreadsheet and click the File menu, then select Download. Choose the format you want to export to and save the file to your computer3.

Sharing and collaborating on spreadsheets

To share a spreadsheet with others, open the spreadsheet and click the Share button in the top-right corner. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share with and choose their access level (view, comment, or edit). You can also create a link to share with anyone or publish your spreadsheet to the web4. To collaborate on a spreadsheet with others, open the shared spreadsheet and edit it as you normally would. You can see who else is viewing or editing the spreadsheet and chat with them. You can also use comments and suggestions to communicate and provide feedback4.

Using add-ons and scripts

To use add-ons and scripts in Google Sheets, open the spreadsheet and click the Add-ons menu. You can browse and install add-ons from the Google Workspace Marketplace that provide additional features and functions for your spreadsheet. You can also create and run your own scripts using Google Apps Script that automate tasks and customize your spreadsheet.


Google Sheets is a powerful online spreadsheet application that offers many common functionalities for working with data. You can perform basic spreadsheet operations, use common functions, import and export spreadsheets, share and collaborate on spreadsheets, and use add-ons and scripts in Google Sheets. By learning how to use these features and functions, you can make the most of Google Sheets for your personal or professional needs.

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