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How to Create Tables in Excel

How to Create Tables in Excel

Excel is a powerful and versatile spreadsheet application that allows you to store, organize, analyze, and visualize data. One of the features that makes Excel so useful is the ability to create tables, which are structured ranges of data that have many benefits and advantages over regular cell ranges. In this article, we will explain how to create tables in Excel, how to customize them, and how to use them effectively.

What Is a Table in Excel?

A table in Excel is a special type of range that has the following characteristics:

  • It has a header row that contains the names of the columns.
  • It has one or more data rows that contain the values of the cells.
  • It has a total row that can display summary statistics such as sum, average, count, etc.
  • It has banded rows and columns that alternate colors to improve readability.
  • It has filter buttons that allow you to sort and filter the data by any column.
  • It has a name that identifies the table and can be used in formulas and references.
  • It automatically expands or contracts when you add or delete data, and adjusts formulas accordingly.

Why Use Tables in Excel?

There are many reasons why you might want to use tables in Excel instead of regular cell ranges. Some of the benefits of tables are:

  • They make your data more organized and consistent, as each column has a name and a specific data type.
  • They make your data easier to read and understand, as the banded rows and columns highlight the structure and hierarchy of the data.
  • They make your data easier to analyze and manipulate, as you can use the filter buttons to sort and filter the data by any criteria, and use the total row to display summary statistics.
  • They make your formulas simpler and more robust, as you can use the table name and column names instead of cell references, and avoid errors when adding or deleting data.

How to Create a Table in Excel?

You can create a table in Excel from any range of cells that contains your data. There are two ways to create a table in Excel: using the Format as Table command or using the Insert Table command.

Using the Format as Table Command

The Format as Table command allows you to apply a predefined style to your table, which includes colors, fonts, borders, etc. To use this command, follow these steps:

  1. Select any cell within your data range.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.
  3. Choose a style from the gallery that suits your preference. You can hover over each style to see a preview of how it will look on your data.
  4. In the Format as Table dialog box, confirm or edit the range of cells that you want to convert to a table. You can either type the cell range in the box or drag your cursor over the area on your sheet while the dialog box remains on the screen.
  5. If your data has a header row that contains the column names, check the box for My table has headers. If you do not check this box, Excel will assign default names such as Column1, Column2, etc., which you can edit later if you wish.
  6. Click OK to create your table.

Using the Insert Table Command

The Insert Table command allows you to create a basic table without applying any style. To use this command, follow these steps:

  1. Select any cell within your data range.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table (or simply press Ctrl + T).
  3. In the Create Table dialog box, confirm or edit the range of cells that you want to convert to a table. You can either type the cell range in the box or drag your cursor over the area on your sheet while the dialog box remains on the screen.
  4. If your data has a header row that contains the column names, check the box for My table has headers. If you do not check this box, Excel will assign default names such as Column1, Column2, etc., which you can edit later if you wish.
  5. Click OK to create your table.

How to Customize Your Table in Excel?

After you create a table in Excel, you can customize it according to your needs and preferences. To do so, select any cell within your table and you will see a new tab appear on the ribbon called Table Design. This tab contains various options and tools that allow you to modify your table’s appearance and functionality.

Some of the options and tools available on this tab are:

  • Table Name: You can give your table a meaningful name that identifies it and can be used in formulas and references. To change the name of your table, enter it in the Table Name field on the left side of the ribbon.
  • Table Style Options: You can show or hide various elements of your table such as banded rows or columns, header row, total row, first column, last column, etc., by checking or unchecking their corresponding boxes on this section of the ribbon.
  • Table Styles: You can change the style of your table by choosing a different one from the gallery on this section of the ribbon. You can also create your own custom style by clicking the New Table Style button and modifying the settings as you wish.
  • Resize Table: You can change the size of your table by clicking this button and adjusting the cell range in the dialog box that appears. You can also resize your table by dragging its edges or corners with your mouse.
  • Remove Duplicates: You can remove any duplicate rows from your table by clicking this button and selecting the columns that you want to use as criteria for identifying duplicates. Excel will then delete any rows that have the same values in those columns, leaving only one instance of each unique row.
  • Convert to Range: You can convert your table back to a regular cell range by clicking this button. This will remove all the features and functionality of the table, such as filters, totals, names, etc., and leave only the data and formatting.

How to Use Tables in Excel?

Once you have created and customized your table in Excel, you can use it for various purposes such as data analysis, reporting, visualization, etc. Some of the ways you can use tables in Excel are:

  • Sorting and Filtering: You can use the filter buttons on each column header to sort or filter your data by any criteria. For example, you can sort your data alphabetically, numerically, or by color, or you can filter your data by text, number, date, or color. You can also use advanced filters to apply complex criteria or use slicers to create interactive filters that show or hide parts of your data.
  • Calculating Totals: You can use the total row at the bottom of your table to display summary statistics for each column, such as sum, average, count, min, max, etc. You can also use formulas in the total row to calculate other metrics or perform calculations across columns. To change the function used in the total row, click on any cell in that row and select a different function from the drop-down list that appears.
  • Referencing Data: You can use the name and column names of your table to reference data in formulas or other parts of your workbook. For example, if you have a table named Sales and a column named Revenue, you can use Sales[Revenue] to refer to the entire column of revenue values in your table. You can also use structured references to refer to specific parts of your table, such as headers, totals, rows, columns, etc. For example, you can use Sales[[#Totals],[Revenue]] to refer to the cell that contains the total revenue value in your table.
  • Creating Charts: You can create charts from your table data by selecting any cell within your table and clicking on the Insert tab. Then, choose a chart type from the Charts group and customize it as you wish. The advantage of creating charts from tables is that they are automatically linked to the table data and will update whenever you change or add data to your table.


Tables are a powerful and useful feature in Excel that allow you to create structured ranges of data that have many benefits and advantages over regular cell ranges. In this article, we have explained how to create tables in Excel using two methods: using the Format as Table command or using the Insert Table command. We have also shown how to customize tables in Excel using various options and tools available on the Table Design tab. Finally, we have discussed how to use tables in Excel for various purposes such as sorting and filtering, calculating totals, referencing data, and creating charts.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to create tables in Excel and how to use them effectively. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


1: How to Create and Use a Table in Microsoft Excel - How-To Geek 2: Create a table in Excel - Microsoft Support 3: Tables in Excel - How to Make/Create, Customize, Delete? - ExcelMojo 4: How to Create Tables in Excel (In Easy Steps) - Excel Easy

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