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How to Enter and Exit Cell Using F2 in Excel

How to Enter and Exit Cell Using F2 in Excel

Excel is a powerful and versatile spreadsheet application that allows you to perform various calculations, analyze data, create charts, and more. One of the basic skills you need to master in Excel is how to enter and edit data in cells. In this article, we will show you how to use the F2 key to enter and exit cell editing mode, and some tips and tricks to make your editing more efficient.

What is the F2 Key in Excel?

The F2 key is a function key that has different uses depending on the context. In Excel, the F2 key is mainly used to activate the edit mode for the active cell. Edit mode means that you can modify the contents of the cell, such as text, numbers, formulas, or references, without affecting other cells.

When you press the F2 key on the keyboard, Excel enters edit mode and places the insertion point at the end of the current cell contents. This is the same as double-clicking the cell with the mouse1. You can then use the arrow keys, the Home and End keys, or the mouse to move the insertion point within the cell. You can also use the Backspace and Delete keys to erase characters, or type new characters to replace or add to the existing ones.

To exit edit mode and confirm your changes, you can press the Enter key on the keyboard, click another cell with the mouse, or click the check mark icon on the formula bar. To exit edit mode and cancel your changes, you can press the Esc key on the keyboard or click the X icon on the formula bar.

You can tell when Excel is in edit mode by looking at the lower-left corner of the window. The word Edit will appear in the status bar when edit mode is activated1.

Why Use the F2 Key in Excel?

The F2 key is useful for editing data in cells quickly and easily. For example, if you want to change a formula in a cell, you can press F2 to enter edit mode and then modify the formula as needed. You can also use F2 to edit text or numbers in cells, such as correcting spelling errors or adding decimals.

Using F2 is faster than using other methods of entering edit mode, such as clicking on the formula bar or selecting Edit from the right-click menu. It also allows you to keep your eyes on the worksheet instead of moving them to another location on the screen.

Another benefit of using F2 is that it preserves the formatting of the cell contents. For example, if you have a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd in a cell, and you want to change only the year part, you can press F2 and then edit only the year digits. The date format will remain unchanged after you confirm your changes.

How to Use F2 in Different Situations

Depending on what type of data you have in a cell, using F2 may have different effects. Here are some common situations where you can use F2 and how it works:

  • If you have a formula in a cell, pressing F2 will enter edit mode and display the formula instead of its result. You can then edit the formula as needed.
  • If you have a text in a cell, pressing F2 will enter edit mode and place the insertion point at the end of the text. You can then edit the text as needed.
  • If you have a number in a cell, pressing F2 will enter edit mode and place the insertion point at the end of the number. You can then edit the number as needed.
  • If you have a date or time in a cell, pressing F2 will enter edit mode and display the date or time value instead of its formatted appearance. You can then edit the date or time value as needed.
  • If you have a blank cell, pressing F2 will enter edit mode and place an insertion point in the cell. You can then type new data into the cell.

Tips and Tricks for Using F2

Here are some tips and tricks for using F2 more effectively:

  • If you want to enter edit mode and place the insertion point at the beginning of the cell contents instead of at the end, you can press Shift + F2 instead of just F22.
  • If you want to switch between edit mode and enter mode, you can press F2 again while in edit mode. In enter mode, you can use the arrow keys to select cells instead of moving the insertion point within the cell1.
  • If you want to edit multiple cells at once with the same data, you can select the cells you want to change, press Ctrl + Enter to enter edit mode for all of them, type the new data, and then press Ctrl + Enter again to confirm the changes1.
  • If you want to copy data from another cell while in edit mode, you can press F2 to enter enter mode, use the arrow keys to select the cell you want to copy from, press F2 again to enter edit mode, and then press Ctrl + C to copy the data. You can then press Esc to cancel the edit mode for the selected cell, and paste the data into the original cell with Ctrl + V1.
  • If you want to insert a function into a cell while in edit mode, you can press Shift + F3 to open the Insert Function dialog box, where you can search for and select the function you want to use1.


The F2 key is a handy shortcut for entering and exiting cell editing mode in Excel. It allows you to modify the contents of a cell quickly and easily, without affecting other cells or losing the formatting. You can also use F2 in different situations and with different types of data, such as formulas, text, numbers, dates, and times. By using F2 and some other tips and tricks, you can improve your productivity and efficiency in Excel.


1: Edit Cells with the F2 Function Key in Excel 3: Force “F2”+ “Enter” on range of cells 2: Short cut key to edit from start of cell (instead of f2 for end)

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