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Latest Trends in Voice-Activated Car Technology

Latest Trends in Voice-Activated Car Technology

Voice-activated car technology is a fast-growing and evolving field that aims to enhance the driving experience, safety, and convenience of drivers and passengers. Voice assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Cortana, are becoming more common in cars, allowing users to control various functions and features of the vehicle with natural language commands. However, voice-activated car technology is not limited to voice assistants. It also encompasses other aspects of voice recognition, speech synthesis, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence that enable cars to understand and respond to human speech.

In this article, we will explore some of the latest trends in voice-activated car technology that are shaping the future of mobility.

Trend 1: Automakers Review Their Approach to Hardware Sourcing

One of the challenges that automakers face in developing and implementing voice-activated car technology is the availability and reliability of hardware components, such as microphones, speakers, processors, and memory chips. The recent global chip shortage has exposed the vulnerability of the automotive supply chain and the dependence of automakers on external suppliers for critical hardware components.

To overcome this challenge, some automakers are reevaluating their long-held inventory strategy following the just-in-time (JIT) principle, which led OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to have no buffer inventory to fall back on during the chip shortage1. As a result, some automakers are considering designing their own chips and establishing direct, strategic, long-term working relations with chip companies1. This would give them more control over the quality, performance, and availability of the hardware components that are essential for voice-activated car technology.

Trend 2: Digital Giants Integrate the Car Into an Holistic Ecosystem

Another trend that is shaping the voice-activated car technology is the increasing involvement of digital giants, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, Alibaba, or Tencent, in the automotive sector. These tech companies are bringing the car closer to their respective ecosystems, which opens new opportunities for vehicle-connected services1.

For example, AWS has partnered with several automakers, such as Ford, Volkswagen, Rivian, and Toyota, to provide cloud computing services for their connected vehicles2. AWS also offers Alexa Auto SDK, a software development kit that enables automakers to integrate Alexa voice assistant into their vehicles2. Google has developed Android Automotive OS, an operating system that runs natively on vehicles and provides access to Google services, such as Google Maps, Google Assistant, Google Play Store3. Alibaba has launched Banma OS, a smart operating system that connects cars with Alibaba’s e-commerce platform. Tencent has invested in several automotive companies, such as Tesla, Nio, and Byton, and has developed Tencent Auto Intelligence (TAI), a platform that offers cloud services, AI solutions, and content for connected vehicles.

By integrating the car into their holistic ecosystems, these digital giants can offer a seamless and personalized user experience across different devices and platforms. They can also leverage their massive data and AI capabilities to provide more intelligent and customized voice-activated car technology.

Trend 3: Open Data and Open-Source Collaboration Models Gain Momentum

A third trend that is influencing the voice-activated car technology is the adoption of open data and open-source collaboration models in the automotive sector. These models allow different stakeholders to share data and code freely and transparently, which can foster innovation and cooperation.

For instance, several tech companies have created open-source vehicle architecture operating systems and open electric vehicle (EV) platform1. These platforms aim to provide a common framework and standard for developing software and hardware for connected vehicles. Some examples are Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), a Linux-based open-source platform for automotive applications; Apollo Auto Platform (AAP), an open-source platform for autonomous driving developed by Baidu; Autoware Foundation (AWF), a non-profit organization that supports open-source projects for autonomous driving; and Open Automotive Alliance (OAA), a consortium of automakers and tech companies that collaborate on Android Automotive OS.

In addition, some automotive companies are looking at data in a similar way to that of the tech world. Their aim is not to sell data, but to build or integrate ecosystems that will allow them to access a broader diversity of data with the purpose of developing more compelling features or digital services1. For example, Toyota has launched Woven Planet Group (WPG), a subsidiary that focuses on developing connected mobility solutions based on data collected from Toyota’s global fleet of vehicles. WPG also operates Woven Alpha (WA), an innovation lab that explores new business opportunities using open data platforms.

By adopting open data and open-source collaboration models,

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মেয়াদ: ৩ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

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