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Sheets Basics to start in google sheets

Sheets Basics to start in google sheets

Google Sheets is a powerful and versatile online spreadsheet application that lets you create, edit, and collaborate on data-driven projects. Whether you want to track your budget, analyze survey results, or plan a business strategy, Google Sheets can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will cover the basics of how to use Google Sheets, from creating a new spreadsheet to sharing it with others.

How to create a new spreadsheet

To create a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets, you have two options:

  • Open the Sheets home screen at sheets.google.com and click New. This will create and open your new spreadsheet in a new tab.
  • Alternatively, you can type sheets.google.com/create in your browser’s address bar and press Enter. This will also create and open a new spreadsheet in a new tab.

You can also access Google Sheets from other Google products, such as Gmail, Drive, or Calendar. Just click on the Google Apps icon (a grid of nine dots) in the top right corner of the screen and select Sheets.

How to edit and format a spreadsheet

Once you have created a new spreadsheet, you can start entering and manipulating data. You can add, edit, or format text, numbers, or formulas in a spreadsheet using the following steps:

  • To enter data in a cell, select the cell and start typing. Press Enter or Tab to move to the next cell.
  • To edit data in a cell, double-click the cell or press F2. You can also use the formula bar at the top of the screen to edit the cell contents.
  • To format data in a cell, use the toolbar above the formula bar. You can change the font, size, color, alignment, and other attributes of the cell. You can also use keyboard shortcuts or right-click menus to access formatting options.
  • To use formulas and functions in a spreadsheet, start with an equal sign (=) followed by the name of the function and its arguments. For example, =SUM(A1:A10) will add up the values in cells A1 through A10. You can also use the Insert menu or the fx button next to the formula bar to insert functions.

How to share and work with others

One of the main benefits of Google Sheets is that you can easily share your spreadsheets with other people and work on them together in real time. To share your spreadsheet with others, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Share button in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share with or choose from your contacts.
  • Choose whether they can edit, comment, or view your spreadsheet.
  • Add a message if you want and click Send.

You can also create a link to your spreadsheet that anyone can access by clicking on Get link in the share dialog box. You can change the link settings to control who can access your spreadsheet and what they can do with it.

When you share your spreadsheet with others, you can see their names and cursors as they make changes. You can also chat with them using the chat box in the top right corner of the screen. You can also leave comments on specific cells by right-clicking on them and selecting Comment.


Google Sheets is a great tool for creating and collaborating on spreadsheets online. You can easily create, edit, format, and share your spreadsheets with others using Google Sheets. You can also use formulas and functions to perform calculations and analysis on your data. To learn more about Google Sheets, you can check out these resources:

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৮ম ব্যাচ: রাত ০৮:৩০-১০:০০


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[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

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