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What is Review Tab in Excel?

What is Review Tab in Excel?

Microsoft Excel, a powerful spreadsheet application, offers a plethora of features to streamline data management and analysis. Among the various tabs present in the Excel ribbon, the "Review" tab stands out as a critical toolset for collaboration, proofreading, and protecting your workbook. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the nuances of the Review tab, exploring its major functionalities and how it can enhance your Excel experience.

Collaboration Made Seamless

Collaboration is a key aspect of many Excel projects, especially in professional settings. The Review tab provides a range of tools to facilitate seamless collaboration among team members.

1. Share Workbook

  • The Share Workbook option allows multiple users to work on the same workbook simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful when you need real-time updates and changes from various team members.

    • Click on the "Share Workbook" option in the Review tab.
    • Choose the "Editing" tab to allow others to make changes.
    • Specify the desired settings for tracking changes and resolving conflicts.

2. Track Changes

  • Track Changes is an invaluable feature for keeping tabs on modifications made to the workbook. It helps you review and accept/reject changes made by others.

    • Click on "Track Changes" to enable tracking.
    • Choose "Highlight Changes" to specify which changes to track.
    • Easily review and manage changes using the "Accept" or "Reject" options.

3. Protect Workbook and Worksheet

  • The Review tab offers options to Protect Workbook or Protect Sheet to secure your data and control access.

    • Protect Workbook: Safeguard the entire workbook with a password.
    • Protect Sheet: Restrict changes to specific sheets and cells.

Ensuring Accuracy with Proofing Tools

Ensuring the accuracy of data is paramount in Excel, and the Review tab houses various proofing tools to help you achieve this.

1. Spelling and Grammar Check

  • The Spelling and Grammar check tools in the Review tab assist in identifying and correcting errors within your text.

    • Click on "Spelling" to check the spelling of words in your worksheet.
    • Use "Grammar" to ensure proper grammatical construction.

2. Thesaurus and Translate

  • Enhance your writing by using the Thesaurus and Translate options.

    • Access the Thesaurus to find synonyms and improve the variety of your vocabulary.
    • Utilize the Translate feature to convert text from one language to another, ensuring clear communication in diverse settings.

Advanced Data Protection

The Review tab in Excel is not just about collaboration and proofreading; it also offers robust features for advanced data protection.

1. Protect Workbook and Worksheet

  • We touched upon this earlier in the context of collaboration, but it's worth highlighting again. Protect Workbook and Protect Sheet options can be crucial for safeguarding your data against unauthorized access and modifications.

2. Restrict Access with Information Rights Management (IRM)

  • Excel's Information Rights Management (IRM) feature, accessible from the Review tab, adds an additional layer of protection to your workbook.

    • Choose the "Restrict Permission" option to set permissions and control who can view or edit the document.
    • Implement IRM to safeguard sensitive information, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the workbook.

Streamlining Workflow with Comments and Changes

The Review tab also includes tools for leaving comments and managing changes, making it easier to communicate within the spreadsheet.


  • Comments are an excellent way to provide context or clarification within a cell.

    • Highlight the cell where you want to add a comment.
    • Click on "New Comment" to add your remarks.
    • Collaborators can reply to comments, fostering efficient communication.

2. Show All Comments

  • The Show All Comments option in the Review tab allows you to quickly review and navigate through all the comments in the workbook.

    • Click on "Show All Comments" to display a summary of comments.
    • Navigate through comments using the provided tools for efficient reviewing.


In conclusion, the Review tab in Excel is a versatile and powerful set of tools that cater to a variety of needs, from collaboration and proofreading to advanced data protection. By leveraging the functionalities within this tab, users can enhance the accuracy, security, and efficiency of their Excel workbooks. Whether you are working on a complex project with a team or simply want to ensure the integrity of your data, the Review tab is an indispensable resource in Excel.

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ফেসবুক, ইউটিউব, ইনস্টাগ্রাম, এসইও, গুগল এডস, ইমেইল মার্কেটিং

মেয়াদ: ৩ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

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অ্যাডভান্সড এক্সেল

ভি-লুকআপ, এইচ-লুকআপ, অ্যাডভান্সড ফাংশনসহ অনেক কিছু...

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কোর্স ফি: ৬,৫০০/-

ক্লাস টাইম

সকাল থেকে দুপুর

১ম ব্যাচ: সকাল ০৮:০০-০৯:৩০

২য় ব্যাচ: সকাল ০৯:৩০-১১:০০

৩য় ব্যাচ: সকাল ১১:০০-১২:৩০

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বিকাল থেকে রাত

৫ম ব্যাচ: বিকাল ০৪:০০-০৫:৩০

৬ষ্ঠ ব্যাচ: বিকাল ০৫:৩০-০৭:০০

৭ম ব্যাচ: সন্ধ্যা ০৭:০০-০৮:৩০

৮ম ব্যাচ: রাত ০৮:৩০-১০:০০


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৭৯৬, পশ্চিম কাজীপাড়া বাসস্ট্যান্ড,

[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

কাজীপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা-১২১৬

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ইমেইল: alamincomputer1216@gmail.com

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