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What is cyber security

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. In today's interconnected world, the importance of cyber security cannot be overstated.

Importance of Cyber Security

In the United States, cyber security is crucial for several reasons:

  • Protection of Sensitive Data: Cyber security measures protect sensitive information, including personal data, financial information, and intellectual property.
  • Economic Stability: A secure cyber environment is vital for the economy, ensuring the smooth operation of businesses and protecting financial transactions.
  • National Security: Safeguarding critical infrastructure such as power grids, water supplies, and communication networks from cyber threats is essential for national security.

Key Components of Cyber Security

1. Network Security

Network security involves protecting the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of networks and data. This includes:

  • Firewalls: Devices or software that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Tools used to detect unauthorized access to network resources.
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Secure connections over the internet to protect data in transit.

2. Application Security

Application security focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. Effective application security begins during the design stage, well before a program or device is deployed. Methods include:

  • Code Review: Checking the source code for vulnerabilities.
  • Penetration Testing: Simulating attacks to identify potential security weaknesses.
  • Patch Management: Regularly updating software to fix security flaws.

3. Information Security

Information security aims to protect data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Key strategies include:

  • Data Encryption: Converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Access Controls: Restricting who can access and modify data.
  • Data Backup: Regularly copying and storing data to ensure it can be restored in case of a security breach.

4. Operational Security

Operational security involves processes and decisions for handling and protecting data assets. It includes:

  • Incident Response: The approach taken to manage and mitigate the impact of a security breach.
  • Disaster Recovery: Plans to restore hardware, software, and data vital for business operations after a disaster.
  • Business Continuity: Ensuring that essential functions can continue during and after a disaster.

5. End-User Education

Humans are often the weakest link in cyber security. Educating users about security best practices is crucial. Training should cover:

  • Recognizing Phishing Attacks: Identifying fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information.
  • Strong Password Practices: Creating and managing complex passwords.
  • Safe Internet Usage: Avoiding suspicious links and downloading software from trusted sources.

Emerging Trends in Cyber Security

The cyber security landscape is continually evolving. Here are some of the latest trends:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are becoming integral in identifying and responding to cyber threats. These technologies can:

  • Predict Attacks: Analyze patterns to predict and prevent attacks before they occur.
  • Automate Responses: Quickly react to threats, minimizing damage.

2. Cloud Security

As more businesses migrate to cloud environments, securing cloud services is becoming increasingly important. Strategies include:

  • Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs): Security policy enforcement points placed between cloud service consumers and providers.
  • Secure Configuration: Ensuring cloud services are configured correctly to prevent vulnerabilities.

3. Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust is a security concept centered on the belief that organizations should not automatically trust anything inside or outside its perimeters. Instead, they must verify anything and everything trying to connect to its systems before granting access. This includes:

  • Micro-Segmentation: Breaking up security perimeters into small zones to maintain separate access.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly checking for potential security breaches.

4. Internet of Things (IoT) Security

With the increasing number of IoT devices, securing these devices is critical. IoT security involves:

  • Device Authentication: Ensuring that only authorized devices can access the network.
  • Regular Updates: Keeping device firmware and software up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities.

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মেয়াদ: ৩ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

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ফেসবুক, ইউটিউব, ইনস্টাগ্রাম, এসইও, গুগল এডস, ইমেইল মার্কেটিং

মেয়াদ: ৩ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

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ভি-লুকআপ, এইচ-লুকআপ, অ্যাডভান্সড ফাংশনসহ অনেক কিছু...

মেয়াদ: ২ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

কোর্স ফি: ৬,৫০০/-

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সকাল থেকে দুপুর

১ম ব্যাচ: সকাল ০৮:০০-০৯:৩০

২য় ব্যাচ: সকাল ০৯:৩০-১১:০০

৩য় ব্যাচ: সকাল ১১:০০-১২:৩০

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বিকাল থেকে রাত

৫ম ব্যাচ: বিকাল ০৪:০০-০৫:৩০

৬ষ্ঠ ব্যাচ: বিকাল ০৫:৩০-০৭:০০

৭ম ব্যাচ: সন্ধ্যা ০৭:০০-০৮:৩০

৮ম ব্যাচ: রাত ০৮:৩০-১০:০০


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[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

কাজীপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা-১২১৬

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ইমেইল: alamincomputer1216@gmail.com

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