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What is File Tab in MS Excel?

What is File Tab in MS Excel?

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet applications used by businesses, individuals, and organizations worldwide. The program offers various features and tools that help users create and manage data effectively. One of the essential features of Excel is the File Tab, which allows users to perform different functions such as opening, saving, printing, and sharing files. In this article, we will discuss in detail what the File Tab is in MS Excel and how it works.

What is File Tab?

The File Tab is located in the top left corner of the Excel window and is represented by a blue colored icon with a white letter "F" on it. Clicking on the File Tab opens up the Backstage View, which provides users access to different file management options. It is a centralized location for all file-related functions and provides a convenient way for users to perform various file-related tasks.

Backstage View

When the File Tab is clicked, the Backstage View is opened, which displays a wide range of options for managing Excel files. The Backstage View is divided into different sections, which include:


The Info section displays general information about the current workbook, such as the file name, location, and file size. It also provides users with the option to add additional information about the workbook, such as author, title, and keywords. Users can also protect their workbook with a password and set permissions to control who can access and modify the workbook.


The New section allows users to create a new workbook from scratch or choose from a variety of pre-designed templates. It also provides users with the option to connect to external data sources, such as databases, web queries, and other sources.


The Open section provides users with the option to open an existing workbook from their computer or from a cloud-based service, such as OneDrive or SharePoint. Users can also open recent workbooks, and Excel automatically saves a list of the most recently used files.

Save & Save As

The Save and Save As sections allow users to save their workbooks to a specific location on their computer or a cloud-based service. The Save As option allows users to rename the workbook or save it in a different file format. Excel supports a wide range of file formats, such as XLSX, CSV, PDF, and more.


The Print section provides users with the option to print their workbooks or change the printing settings. Users can choose from a variety of printing options, such as the number of copies, page orientation, and paper size.


The Share section allows users to share their workbooks with others via email or a cloud-based service. Users can also set permissions to control who can view, edit, or comment on the workbook. The Share section also provides users with the option to publish their workbooks to the web, embed them in a webpage, or send them as a PDF.


The Export section allows users to export their workbooks to different file formats, such as PDF, XPS, or XML. Users can also export their data to different data sources, such as Access or SQL Server.


The Close section allows users to close the current workbook or exit Excel.

How to Use the File Tab in MS Excel

Using the File Tab in MS Excel is a simple and straightforward process. To use the File Tab, follow these steps:

  1. Open Excel and click on the File Tab located in the top left corner of the Excel window.
  2. The Backstage View will appear, displaying all the different file-related options.
  3. Choose the appropriate option from the different sections of the Backstage View, such as Open, Save, Print, or Share.
  4. Depending on the option chosen, follow the prompts provided by Excel to complete the task. For example, if you choose to save a workbook, Excel will prompt you to choose a location to save the file and give you the option to rename the file or choose a different file format.

Benefits of Using the File Tab in MS Excel

The File Tab in MS Excel provides users with several benefits, including:

Easy File Management

The File Tab provides users with a centralized location for all file-related functions, making it easier to manage and organize Excel files. Users can quickly open, save, print, or share files from the Backstage View without having to navigate through different menus and options.

Improved Collaboration

The Share section of the Backstage View allows users to share their workbooks with others and set permissions to control who can access and modify the file. This feature improves collaboration and makes it easier for teams to work on Excel files together.

Enhanced Security

The Info section of the Backstage View allows users to protect their workbooks with a password and set permissions to control who can access and modify the file. This feature enhances the security of Excel files and helps prevent unauthorized access.


The File Tab in MS Excel saves users time by providing a quick and easy way to perform different file-related functions. Users can open, save, print, or share files with just a few clicks, making it easier to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.


The File Tab in MS Excel is an essential feature that provides users with a centralized location for all file-related functions. The Backstage View displays a wide range of options for managing Excel files, including opening, saving, printing, and sharing files. Using the File Tab is a simple and straightforward process, and it provides users with several benefits, including easy file management, improved collaboration, enhanced security, and time-saving. By understanding how to use the File Tab in MS Excel, users can improve their productivity and efficiency when working with Excel files.

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[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

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