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What is the File Tab in MS Word?

What is the File Tab in MS Word?

Microsoft Word is a popular word processing software that is widely used across the globe. It is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite that also includes Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other productivity tools. In MS Word, the File tab is an important element that enables users to perform a variety of functions related to opening, saving, sharing, printing, and protecting documents. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about the File tab in MS Word.

Introduction to the File Tab in MS Word

The File tab in MS Word is located at the top-left corner of the interface. It is represented by a small icon that resembles a folder. When you click on the File tab, it opens the Backstage view, which is a full-screen interface that provides a range of options related to document management. Here are some of the functions that you can perform using the File tab in MS Word:

  • Create a new document
  • Open an existing document
  • Save a document
  • Save a document with a new name or file format
  • Print a document
  • Share a document via email or other means
  • Protect a document with a password or other security measures
  • Manage document properties, such as title, author, and keywords
  • View and edit document settings, such as page orientation, margins, and layout
  • Check document compatibility with other versions of MS Word or other software

As you can see, the File tab in MS Word is a versatile tool that provides a lot of flexibility in managing documents. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a casual user, you can benefit from the features offered by the File tab in MS Word.

Key Features of the File Tab in MS Word

Let's take a closer look at some of the key features of the File tab in MS Word:

Create a New Document

When you click on the New option in the Backstage view, you can choose from a variety of templates or blank document formats. This allows you to start a new document with a pre-designed layout and formatting, or with a completely blank slate. You can also search for templates online or browse your own custom templates.

Open an Existing Document

If you want to open a document that you have saved previously, you can click on the Open option in the Backstage view. This will show you a list of recently opened documents, or you can browse for other documents saved on your computer or network. You can also open documents from other cloud storage services, such as OneDrive, SharePoint, or Google Drive.

Save a Document

When you click on the Save option in the Backstage view, MS Word will save the current document with its current name and file format. If you have not saved the document previously, you will be prompted to choose a name and location for the document. You can also use the Save As option to save the document with a different name or file format, such as PDF, RTF, or HTML.

Print a Document

If you want to print the current document, you can click on the Print option in the Backstage view. This will show you a preview of the document and allow you to adjust the print settings, such as number of copies, page range, and printer selection. You can also choose to print the document as a PDF or XPS file, or send it to a virtual printer or fax machine.

Share a Document

If you want to share the current document with others, you can click on the Share option in the Backstage view. This will allow you to send the document via email, save it to a cloud storage service, or share it on a social media platform. You can also restrict access to the document by setting permissions and passwords, or by applying encryption and digital signatures.

Protect a Document

If you want to protect the current document from unauthorized access or editing, you can click on the Protect Document option in the Backstage view. This will allow you to apply password protection, restrict editing and formatting, or mark the document as final. You can also remove personal information or metadata from the document, such as comments, revisions, and hidden data.

Manage Document Properties

If you want to view or edit the properties of the current document, such as title, author, and keywords, you can click on the Info option in the Backstage view. This will show you the document properties panel, where you can enter or modify the metadata fields. You can also add custom properties or remove unwanted properties from the document.

View and Edit Document Settings

If you want to adjust the settings of the current document, such as page orientation, margins, and layout, you can click on the Page Setup option in the Backstage view. This will allow you to change the page size, orientation, and margins, as well as adjust the headers, footers, and page numbering. You can also set up columns, breaks, and sections, or apply themes and styles to the document.

Check Document Compatibility

If you want to ensure that the current document is compatible with other versions of MS Word or other software, you can click on the Check for Issues option in the Backstage view. This will allow you to check the document for compatibility issues, accessibility issues, and other errors. You can also run a compatibility report to see which features are not supported by previous versions of MS Word.


In conclusion, the File tab in MS Word is an essential component that allows users to manage their documents efficiently and effectively. By providing a wide range of options related to document creation, opening, saving, printing, sharing, protecting, and managing, the File tab helps users save time, reduce errors, and enhance productivity. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user of MS Word, you can benefit from the features offered by the File tab. So, the next time you use MS Word, don't forget to explore the options available in the File tab and make the most of this powerful tool.

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মেয়াদ: ৩ মাস (সপ্তাহে ২দিন)

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৭ম ব্যাচ: সন্ধ্যা ০৭:০০-০৮:৩০

৮ম ব্যাচ: রাত ০৮:৩০-১০:০০


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[মেট্রোরেলের ২৮৮ নং পিলারের পশ্চিম পাশে]

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