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Paste Options in Excel

Paste Options in Excel

Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to organize, analyze, and manipulate data in various ways. One of the most common tasks performed in Excel is copying and pasting data from one location to another. However, when pasting data in Excel, it is important to understand the various paste options available to ensure that data is pasted correctly and efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various paste options in Excel and how they can be used effectively.

What Are Paste Options in Excel?

Paste options in Excel refer to the different ways in which data can be pasted into a worksheet. The default paste option in Excel is the "Normal" paste option, which simply pastes the copied data into the new location. However, there are several other paste options available that allow users to manipulate the pasted data in various ways.

Using the Paste Options Button

To access the paste options in Excel, you can use the paste options button. This button appears after you have copied data and click the cell where you want to paste it. The paste options button is located in the lower right corner of the cell and appears as a small icon that looks like a clipboard with a downward arrow.

Clicking on the paste options button will display a menu that shows the different paste options available. The available options will vary depending on the type of data that was copied and the location where it is being pasted.

Paste Options Menu

The paste options menu in Excel includes the following options:

  • Paste - This is the default paste option in Excel, which simply pastes the copied data into the new location.
  • Formulas - This option pastes the formulas from the original location into the new location. This can be useful when you want to apply the same formula to multiple cells.
  • Values - This option pastes the values from the original location into the new location. This is useful when you want to copy data without formatting or formulas.
  • Formatting - This option pastes the formatting from the original location into the new location. This can be useful when you want to apply the same formatting to multiple cells.
  • Transpose - This option transposes the copied data so that rows become columns and columns become rows.
  • Keep Source Formatting - This option pastes the data with its original formatting.
  • Keep Source Column Widths - This option preserves the column widths of the original data.
  • No Borders - This option pastes the data without any borders.
  • Source Theme - This option pastes the data with the theme of the original workbook.
  • Destination Theme - This option pastes the data with the theme of the destination workbook.
  • Link Formatting - This option pastes the data with a link to the source formatting.

Paste Options Shortcut

Excel also provides a shortcut to access the paste options menu. After copying data, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + V to open the paste options menu. This shortcut can save time and improve efficiency, especially when working with large amounts of data.

When to Use Each Paste Option

Each paste option in Excel serves a specific purpose and can be useful in different scenarios. Here are some common use cases for each paste option:


The normal paste option in Excel is used when you simply want to copy data from one location to another without any changes.


The formulas paste option in Excel is useful when you want to apply the same formula to multiple cells. For example, if you have a formula that calculates the sum of a range of cells, you can copy that formula and paste it into other cells to calculate the sum of different ranges.


The values paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data without formatting or formulas. This can be useful when you want to copy data from one workbook to another and do not want to include any formatting or formulas.


The formatting paste option in Excel is useful when you want to apply the same formatting to multiple cells. For example, if you have a table that has a specific color scheme, you can copy the formatting from one cell and paste it into other cells to apply the same color scheme.


The transpose paste option in Excel is useful when you want to switch the orientation of data from rows to columns or columns to rows. This can be useful when you have data that is organized horizontally and you want to switch it to a vertical format.

Keep Source Formatting

The keep source formatting paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data from one workbook to another and want to preserve the formatting of the original data. This can be useful when you have a specific color scheme or font that you want to maintain in the new workbook.

Keep Source Column Widths

The keep source column widths paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data from one workbook to another and want to maintain the column widths of the original data. This can be useful when you have a specific layout or design that you want to maintain in the new workbook.

No Borders

The no borders paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data without any borders. This can be useful when you have a table that has borders and you want to remove them to make the table look cleaner.

Source Theme

The source theme paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data from one workbook to another and want to maintain the theme of the original workbook. This can be useful when you have a specific color scheme or font that you want to maintain in the new workbook.

Destination Theme

The destination theme paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data from one workbook to another and want to apply the theme of the destination workbook. This can be useful when you want to maintain a consistent look and feel across multiple workbooks.

Link Formatting

The link formatting paste option in Excel is useful when you want to copy data and maintain a link to the source formatting. This can be useful when you have a table that has conditional formatting and you want to apply the same formatting to a different table.

Tips and Tricks for Using Paste Options in Excel

Here are some tips and tricks for using paste options in Excel:

  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + V to quickly access the paste options menu.
  • Experiment with different paste options to find the one that best suits your needs.
  • Use the paste special feature to access additional paste options, such as pasting only visible cells or skipping blank cells.
  • Use the paste preview feature to preview how data will look before pasting it into a worksheet.
  • Use the paste link feature to create a link between cells in different worksheets or workbooks.


In conclusion, understanding paste options in Excel is crucial for working efficiently with data. By using the different paste options available, you can manipulate data in various ways and save time when working with large amounts of data. Remember to experiment with different paste options to find the one that best suits your needs and use the various tips and tricks to improve your workflow. With practice, you can become an Excel paste options pro and work with data like a pro.

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