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Paste Options in Word

Paste Options in Word

Are you tired of messy formatting when copying and pasting content in Microsoft Word? If so, then you need to know about Paste Options in Word. This feature can save you time and hassle by allowing you to control how content is pasted into your documents. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about Paste Options in Word, including:

  • What is Paste Options in Word?
  • How to Access Paste Options in Word?
  • Types of Paste Options in Word
  • Understanding Paste Link and Paste Special
  • How to Use Paste Options in Word?
  • Tips for Using Paste Options in Word
  • Conclusion

What is Paste Options in Word?

Paste Options is a feature in Microsoft Word that provides different options for pasting content into your document. It helps to maintain the formatting of the original content, regardless of its source. The feature is designed to eliminate the need to reformat pasted text, which can save you a lot of time.

How to Access Paste Options in Word?

There are several ways to access Paste Options in Word. Here are a few:

  • After you've pasted content into your document, a small clipboard icon will appear near the pasted text. Clicking on this icon will display the Paste Options menu.
  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts to access the Paste Options menu. Press CTRL + V to paste the content, and then press CTRL to display the Paste Options menu.
  • You can also access the Paste Options menu by clicking on the arrow icon next to the Paste button in the Home tab of the ribbon.

Types of Paste Options in Word

There are several types of Paste Options available in Word, each designed for a specific purpose. Here are some of the most commonly used Paste Options:

Keep Source Formatting

This option maintains the original formatting of the pasted text, including font style, size, and color, as well as any images or tables included in the original content.

Merge Formatting

This option merges the formatting of the pasted text with the formatting of the surrounding text. For example, if you're pasting text with a different font style into a document with a different font style, Merge Formatting will adapt the pasted text to match the document's font style.

Keep Text Only

This option removes all formatting from the pasted text, leaving only the plain text. This can be useful if you're pasting text from a web page or other source that includes formatting you don't want in your document.


This option pastes the content as a picture, which can be useful if you want to include an image in your document without worrying about formatting issues.

Understanding Paste Link and Paste Special

In addition to the standard Paste Options, Word also offers two additional paste options that can be particularly useful in certain situations:

Paste Link

Paste Link allows you to create a link between the original content and the pasted content. This means that if the original content is updated, the pasted content will also update automatically. This can be particularly useful if you're working with data that's frequently updated, such as financial data or sales figures.

Paste Special

Paste Special allows you to specify exactly what type of content you want to paste, including text, tables, and images. It also allows you to specify how you want the content to be formatted, such as keeping the original formatting, merging formatting, or pasting as plain text.

How to Use Paste Options in Word?

Using Paste Options in Word is easy. Here's how to do it:

  1. Copy the content you want to paste.
  2. Place your cursor where you want to paste the content.
  3. Press CTRL + V to paste the content.
  4. Click on the clipboard icon that appears next to the pasted text to display the Paste Options menu.

5. Select the desired Paste Option from the menu.

Tips for Using Paste Options in Word

While Paste Options can save you a lot of time and hassle when working with content in Word, there are a few tips you should keep in mind to get the most out of the feature:

  • Use the Keep Source Formatting option when pasting content from a document with complex formatting, such as a newsletter or brochure.
  • Use the Merge Formatting option when pasting content from a document with a different font style or size.
  • Use the Keep Text Only option when pasting content from a web page or other source with unwanted formatting.
  • Use Paste Link when working with data that's frequently updated, such as sales figures or financial data.
  • Use Paste Special when you need more control over how the content is pasted into your document.


Paste Options is a powerful feature in Microsoft Word that can save you time and hassle when working with content in your documents. By understanding the different types of Paste Options and how to use them, you can ensure that your documents look their best and that you're working as efficiently as possible. So the next time you're copying and pasting content in Word, be sure to take advantage of the Paste Options feature!

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